On September 14, 2020, our Phoenix laboratory began performing a portion of our alternate donor antibody screen on the Ortho Clinical Diagnostics VISION Analyzer. This instrumentation change was necessary as Ortho Clinical Diagnostics will be discontinuing support of the existing ProVue instrumentation in the future.
We will notify you of the transition date of our other four laboratories. To read more about this change, click here: Communications
Reminder - Five CTS Forms will be updated on Monday September 2, 2019. Some of the forms are posted ...
CTS lab staff recently participated in a Kaizen and determined emailed Daily Shipment Schedules to b...
After a thorough and comprehensive review of proposals received from suppliers of viral marker testi...
CTS successfully implemented Donor-Screen HLA® Class I and II testing on the Stratec Biomedical ...
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...
The new online Learning Center with new content can still be found under the “Training” folder on ...