As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We recommend you check with your couriers, airline carriers, and Fed-Ex or UPS if applicable to verify hours for the upcoming New Year's Day holiday so that you can avoid any issues with transportation of your samples to CTS. Happy New Year!
Reminder - The CTS Reentry form, CTS-00172, will be updated on Monday July 2, 2018. It's posted ...
CTS will be transitioning to a new sFTP server for clients who send test request and/or receive...
An exciting enhancement is implementing January 20, 2020 in our Special Testing laboratory as we mov...
We received an updated WNV package insert; please note the manufacturer and license number has been ...
CTS will be revising some forms in use by clients on October 26, 2020. We do try to limit form chang...
In July, all 5 CTS laboratories will convert from the current Grifols Ultrio Plus NAT triplex assay ...