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CTS Charlotte Implements New Laboratory Information System

13 Jun, 2019 | Return|

On June 13, 2019, the new CTS Laboratory Information System was successfully implemented in Charlotte. We have completed any pending result uploads and resumed scheduled result uploads. Congratulations on this important success!






Updated WNV Virus Package Insert

We received an updated WNV package insert; please note the manufacturer and license number has been ...

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Seasonal Monitoring for WNV to begin June 1, 2020

Seasonal monitoring of epidemic triggers for West Nile Virus (WNV) NAT tested donations will begin J...

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FDA Releases ZIKV Guidance and Grifols ZIKV Assay Licensed- 1st Update

This is the first update to the original CTS communication distributed on July 6th. As previously co...

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Happy New Year!

We are very excited to launch our new website! Please take a few moments to click around and explore...

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Revised Client Forms

 Just a reminder that the revised client forms implement today! Don't forget to toss your o...

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Updated Sample Acceptability Document

CTS was recently notified that one of the tubes listed in the Sample Acceptability document...

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