An exciting enhancement is implementing January 20, 2020 in our Special Testing laboratory as we move away from sending confirmatory results via fax and implement sending them directly to your email.
Check out the Communication page for the complete details by clicking the link: Communications
CTS lab staff recently participated in a Kaizen and determined emailed Daily Shipment Schedules to b...
CTS received notification from Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG of their intent to immediately discontinu...
CTS will be transitioning to a new sFTP server for clients who send test request and/or receive...
On June 13, 2019, CTS provided information regarding the manufacturer’s discontinuation of HIV...
In 2016, the Procleix Panther instrument was introduced by Grifols in support of automated NAT ZIKA ...
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...