As a service to our partners, CTS provides a copy of all licenses and accreditations on our website. Many of the licenses have recently renewed and are now available. On a related note, the FDA registrations are in a new format beginning in 2019 and have also moved to using standard dates, with each registration beginning on 01/01 and ending 12/31 of each year. Please email any questions to
Check out the Accreditation/Licenses page here: Accreditations
The new Learning Center website launch today on Monday, March 30, 2020. While the link to the new Le...
As the US coast prepares for Hurricane Florence to make landfall, we have received importan...
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...
As winter weather continues to move through parts of the US, we would like to remind you it may be n...
On April 15, 2019, the New CTS Laboratory Information System has been successfully implemented in Po...