CTS Tampa has implemented the Ortho Vitros Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Total test which qualitatively detects antibody (including IgG and IgM) to SARS-CoV-2 S protein on April 20, 2020. Additionally, Vitalant Research Institute is offering the SARS-CoV-2 Reporter Viral Particle Neutralization (RVPN) test.
The situation is rapidly developing and we know you likely have many questions, but you can find all the current information here: Communications
We will be sending updates as we get more details to share with you!
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...
We are informing you that the FDA has announced their withdrawal of Guidance for ZIKV Testing. In th...
Beginning June 1, 2020 all 5 CTS laboratories will being transitioning from the Grifols Procleix Ult...
As previously mentioned in Zika communications distributed on September 21 and October 12, 2018; ord...
CTS originally communicated that Tampa will convert from the current Grifols Ultrio Plus NAT triplex...
After a recent reevaluation of the Monolisa anti-HBs EIA package insert, the CTS QA/Scientific team ...