Daylight Saving Time Begins March 10, 2019. As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours during Daylight Saving Time. We recommend you check with your couriers, airline carriers, and Fed-Ex or UPS if applicable to verify hours for the upcoming change so that you can avoid any issues with transportation of your samples to CTS.
The CTS 2020 Annual Laboratory Survey is on its way to your email box. We would appreciate you takin...
Currently, there are limited supplies of the reagents used for HIV-1 Western Blot and HIV-2 EIA test...
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...
On June 13, 2019, CTS provided information regarding the manufacturer’s discontinuation of HIV...
As a service to our partners, CTS provides a copy of all licenses and accreditations on our website....